Our battle, day by day.

10th March 2020

08:30 we fully support the Government decision to extend the Red Zone to the full Country.  Since 24th February already, when the emergency was not yet so evident, we were among the first to take multiple and immediate special measures, such as minimizing the staff present in the company, with the rules and products necessary for their safety. Now we also make the daily sanitization of offices, warehouse, materials and external surfaces.

5th March 2020

h 10:00 Vi confermiamo che Meyerlub Srl è pienamente operativa, avendo sin dall’inizio della “crisi Coronavirus” adottato misure di prevenzione ed organizzazione del lavoro atte a minimizzare i disagi derivanti dalle precauzioni raccomandate/imposte dall’Autorità competente.

24th febbraio 2020

h 08:30 Dopo attenta analisi e l’incerto evolversi dell’epidemia Coronavirus durante il weekend, Meyerlub Srl mette in pratica DA SUBITO le seguenti azioni:
– da oggi abbiamo creato 2 gruppi di lavoro che non si incontrano mai
– il gruppo non presente in ufficio lavora in home-working con il proprio computer di casa
– mantenere una distanza minima di 4 metri uno dall’altro
– tutte le persone a rischio per età e non indispensabili lavorano da casa
– abbiamo dotato tutti di disinfettanti per mani e ambiente e stiamo studiando un sistema per disinfettare la merce in partenza
– abbiamo dato divieto assoluto di entrare nei ns. uffici al personale non addetto/fornitori/clienti ecc.


10th March 2020

08:30 We fully support the Government decision to extend the Red Zone to the full Country.  Since 24th February already, when the emergency was not yet so evident, we were among the first to take multiple and immediate special measures, such as minimizing the staff present in the company, with the rules and products necessary for their safety. Now we also make the daily sanitization of offices, warehouse, materials and external surfaces.

5th March 2020

10:00 We confirm that Meyerlub Srl is fully operational. Since the beginning of the “Coronavirus crisis”, we have adopted measures of prevention and re-organization of work, aimed at minimizing the inconveniences deriving from the precautions recommended/imposed by the Health Authority.

24th February 2020

08:30 After careful analysis and the uncertain evolution of the Coronavirus epidemic over the weekend, Meyerlub Srl IMMEDIATELY puts into practice the following actions:
– establishment of 2 working groups (am and pm) that never meet
– the group not present in the office operates in smart-working from home
– a minimum distance of 4 meters from each other when at office
– all people at risk by age and not indispensable, work from home
– we have supplied all staff with hands and work-area disinfectants. We are studying a system to disinfect the outgoing goods
– absolute prohibition of access to our premises by external people, salesmen, suppliers, customers, etc.